Tuesday, January 31, 2023

The Mind Reading Myth

One of the greatest challenges that we struggle with as Entrepreneurs (and something I’ve had to learn a few hard lessons from over the decades) is how to effectively transfer ideas over to my team. 

All too often we have these amazing ideas that we want to execute… 

Oftentimes these amazing ideas have absolutely nothing to do with the long-term goal and strategy…They are often short-sighted and simply satisfy a need in the short-term. 

We’re running a million miles a minute, juggling multiple priorities, and most times we simply throw out our ideas with the least amount of explanation or detail and assume our team has exactly what they need to execute what we envision in our mind.   

We also assume they know where it fits into the overall picture. 

They put all their effort into giving us exactly what we communicated that we wanted. 

And then we see it. 

Our reaction of “This is not what I asked for” immediately produces a look of bewilderment and disappointment upon their faces because the LAST thing they want to do is let us down… 

Them: They just poured their heart and soul into exactly what we communicated we wanted. 

You: You become frustrated, and end up doing it yourself or starting all over again.

Time and energy is wasted. 

Disappointment is felt by everyone. 

Projects aren’t completed on time.

Eventually, you find yourself with a revolving door of team members coming and going because they simply just stop engaging. 

Why? Because they start to feel an overwhelming frustration and sense of failure. 

Then comes utter defeat and they either leave or you let them go.

Here’s one of the biggest lessons I had to learn the hard way…

Your team does NOT know exactly what you are thinking unless you clearly communicate it.  

They are not psychics. 

They are not mind-readers. 

If you find yourself in this situation more than you care to admit, it's time to start looking at how YOU communicate. 

If you find yourself continuously disappointed in what’s being produced for you, or you find yourself constantly micro-managing, or you start taking responsibility away from your team (no longer empowering them, but criticizing and devaluing them) …                         

Take a moment to really think about how you can start communicating better about what you're thinking, needing, and wanting so your team isn’t trying to fill in the blanks with what they perceive you want.  

Earlier this week I was talking with a good friend of mine (who also happens to be a fellow Entrepreneur). He wanted a “retro” video created to attract a certain target audience. The goal was to elicit a feeling of nostalgia and trigger an emotion in their heart when they saw this “old school” video. 

He explained how he really wanted something different– Something that really resonated with the target audience on an emotional level. Something that would stand apart from what everyone else out there was doing. 

After sharing his idea with his team, they said, 

“This is incredible! We got this!”

So they went on to create exactly what he asked for. It was different, it was retro, it was moving. It encompassed every element he had asked for and then some (as he sent it to me to watch)

He then told me he told his team he was disappointed because it wasn’t at all what he asked for. His next remark was, “They missed the mark 100%”. 

From where I was standing, I told him I thought it was absolutely amazing, and I couldn’t figure out why he wasn’t completely floored by it! 

If anyone else heard the instructions he gave, and anyone else saw the results, they would have agreed it was a complete understanding of what was communicated. 

He responded with, “I’ve got to get this done in the next few days. I'm just going to have to do it myself, it wasn't what I wanted”.

The following week (days past the deadline)… 

He ended up filming his own video. A video that looked exactly like what everyone else was putting out there. 

Again…Time and energy wasted, all involved are disappointed, the project wasn’t completed on time, 

PLUS, the second video (at best) was mediocre (in my opinion). 

If this sounds all too familiar, here are a few things I’ve found that really help me (and my team):  

  1. Slow down to speed up. 

After sharing ideas my team, I set time aside to brainstorm and collaborate with them. This not only results in additional clarity, it always seems to produce even better ideas, and options that I would never have thought of alone. 

2. Give examples. 

I give the team examples of what I like and what I don’t like when it comes to particular projects. Most Entrepreneurs are “visual” learners, so use this communication strategy as an opportunity to help convey what you’re thinking, and what you have in mind.  

3. Practice reflective listening.

At the bare minimum, make this a requirement. Reflective listening is when the person who is listening has the opportunity to to reiterate what they heard to ensure it’s what you meant to say. 

After you communicate your idea, ask your team to take a moment to analyze what you just conveyed. Then ask them to reflect the message back to you. Confirm that they either properly understood or not. If not, give them more explanation. 

When you exercise these effective communication tactics, I’m think you’ll find the new found confidence in all the talented people on your team.  Plus, they will feel empowered again and that’s when amazing things will happen within your team structure and within your business overall. 

To your success,


funnel marketing expert

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

7 Reasons to Hire A Marketing Consultant for a Small Business

By: Kayla McDonald 

Hiring a marketing consultant is a good choice whether your organization needs support with social media, website design, or advertising. To help companies in creating a solid foundation for business growth,  Marketing professionals combine their business skills, such as strategic thinking and problem-solving, with technical expertise. They can help you develop a marketing strategy to reach ideal customers.

What Is a Marketing Consultant?

Depending on their skill set (such as Event marketing or Web design) and industry  (such as consumer products or B2B services)  a marketing consultant may concentrate on a specific niche. Regardless of their area of expertise, these experts should be able to improve your marketing efforts! However the process of finding a suitable fit for your organization can be daunting, so here's a list 7 qualities to look for when hiring your next Marketing Consultant.

  1. Accountability Partner - Entrepreneurship can get lonely. A whopping 86.4% of non-employer businesses are sole proprietorships. Hiring a marketing consultant is beneficial because they can serve as an accountability partner, ensuring that projects are completed and goals are reached.

  1.  Personalized Coaching Experience - There's no one size fits all solution when it comes to marketing. A good marketing consultant honors each client's unique journey, giving you the opportunity to build on the knowledge and skills you already have.

  1.  Develop a Clear Understanding of How the Internet Works - This allows you to stop throwing spaghetti at the wall hoping something sticks! Furthermore, a marketing consultant can help you to gain a clear understanding of how the internet works and how it can be leveraged to your advantage.

  1. Gain a New member of your professional network - Having a marketing consultant who is knowledgeable and experienced in their field can give you peace of mind when it comes to applying strategies with proven results!

  2. Uncover Your Blind Spots - It sounds obvious, but you can’t fix what you can’t see. You likely don’t realize what's holding you back. A marketing consultant can help you identify those problem areas that are unknown to you.

  1.  Clarity - Many of us are dealing with "information overload" which means you’ve heard so many ideas, that you don't know where to start or what to choose. Marketing consultants help businesses evaluate their current situation and set clear plans of action.

  1.  Flexible Scheduling - Since everyone is not full-time self-employed most Marketing agencies offer evening and weekend hours for clients to work around their work schedule. In addition, you can work remotely as marketing sessions are conducted through phone or video conference. 

In conclusion, small business owners can find the support and guidance they need in working with marketing consultants. These professionals can offer a fresh perspective on your brand and customer’s experience that may have been overlooked. Compact Digital Marketing has experts who are sensitive to your unique business needs. We want to teach you how the internet works, as well as provide you with key insights into current trends and technologies for business grow! Contact us today.

Baby Boomers

Monday, January 16, 2023

Family Law Lawyers

Though the advantages of information and communication technology are immense, there is a downside too, particularly in relation to cyber and transnational crimes. Apart from these, shielding other intangible assets such as devices, creations, architectural blueprints, and computer software, should also not get ignored. They can counsel you with the right things and show you a way out of all the disorder that surrounds your life after an accident. This way you will not be misguided by anyone and you can get what you deserve

The majority of the time this isn't because of malice or avarice, it is because the case is very complex and requires many legal hoops to be jumped through. There are various entities performing various investigations in New Hampshire, without license. Property disputes are cases where landlords need to hire a lawyer to manage the issues

This can be property that was acquired by one of the spouses before the marriage; and it also can be, among other things, property which was acquired during the marriage and which also falls under one of the exceptions to community property in Louisiana. In all the above cases, the case needs to be filed and processed by a wrongful death lawyer. In addition, this skill or ability should in some way benefit the United States. Wrongful death lawyers come across a wide range of cases all of which include death of the victim of the case

The problem for this is that the probability of wining the case with that lawyer is lesser as compared to the probability of working with your personal legal counsel. This will cause animosity in any industry but it does not mean that all Lawyers burn their bridges, if that were true there would be no firms or partnerships. The person can consult the highly qualified professions without paying the huge amount of money for the discussion of his/her legal issue. Go online and do some exploration and try to compare different lawyers, their expertise and of course their rates

instant downloads

Thursday, January 12, 2023

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

ATTENTION Small Business Owner… If you want a healthy business that THRIVES...

...Rather than barely Survive, this FREE 52 Week Course that is designed for busy CEOs will make it so much easier for you, as it will teach you the fundamentals of business that almost guarantees any business success -- in a simple, fun way. 

All you need to do to sign up is: (1) share this post with 5 friends on your social media page, (2) like our successSmartGuides FaceBook Page, (3) then fill out a short questionnaire on our Courses web page.

Saturday, January 7, 2023

Kevin McCarthy Is Elected House Speaker

Rep Kevin McCarthy has been elected speaker of the house on the 15th ballot. He was elected with 216 votes and will be leading the 118th congress. His opponent Democratic Rep Hakeem Jeffries who had 212 votes has made history becoming the first black maker of the law to lead a party in Congress.

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

One Click and DELETE

In this day and age we have an amazing ability to connect with pretty much anyone in the world we want to. 

A few clicks and bam! We’re connected. 

Online marketing definitely paves the way to reach your target audience, but how do you successfully use social media as a vehicle that leads to a sale? 

The answer is so simple, which is why I think it’s completely missed

In fact, even seasoned Entrepreneurs fall victim to these 4 deadly mistakes when it comes to online selling …

Mistake #1: A Conversation?

One of the biggest mistakes I see people making online is the absolute avoidance of a real conversation with another person.  

Yes, I do realize we live in a “text” and “chat” society these days, but does that mean conversation is dead? 

What happened to an old fashioned phone call?

Back in the day when I was first using Facebook to connect with potential clients, I would 

message someone and I’d say, “It looks like we run in the same circles. We have 75 mutual (friends or acquaintances). I’d love to connect with you.” 

The next thing you know we’ve connected. I’d then say “I’d love to schedule a call and learn a little bit more about you and your business.” If I didn’t end up having a conversation with them right off the bat, I’d message them once in a while with something I thought would add value for them or their business. 

Or I’d ask them what they thought about XYZ if it fell in their wheelhouse. 

Next, I wanted to test out LinkedIn as a way to target other CEOs who were also Florida Gators. After I identified them, I’d send this intro: 

“I noticed you’re a fellow Florida Gator Entrepreneur. I’d love to be able to connect with you and see what your journey has been like and what you’ve going on now.” 

Many people would reply back saying, “I get hit up day and night, but because you’re a fellow Gator, I’m happy to connect with you and have a conversation.” 

Conversations many times start with the commonalities between us. What are the interest points? 

Here is the secret… Allow the person to tell you about them and their journey. How they got to where they are now. 

The ONLY purpose of the conversation was to start to build a relationship. No pretense. No selling. 

Just an old fashioned real-world conversation. 

When I wouldn’t pitch them at the end, they’re like, “You’re not pitching me?” I’d say, “No, it’s great to meet you. What’s the biggest pain challenge or problem that you’re having in your business?” They’ll tell me and then I’d say, “Would you like some insight on that?” 

I don’t go for a one-call close. I always want to leave it hanging and want them to come back for more.  

In that first conversation, the only goal is to add value and understand the pain, problem, or challenge they’re having. 

If I feel they are someone I know we can help, I start the “frame”.  If there looks like there’s interest, I’ll set another call with them (inviting all the key players). That’s where I lay it all out for them and discuss our proposal.  If I feel in my gut, that it will take two, three or even five calls to build the relationship, I’ll take the time.

Why does this work? 

Alas, here’s the simple answer you’ve been waiting for me to reveal …

It’s still ALL about relationships. 

And it begins at the very first connection point. 

BTW: Here’s a tip if you want to lose people right from the get-go … 

Once someone says they’d like to talk, send them this reply:  

“Here’s my calendar link, go book an appointment.” 

Guess what? 9 out of 10 people will not click your calendar link and set an appointment. You’ve lost them.  

Instead, here’s your opportunity to reply with: 

“Great. I’m available. Do any of these three times work for you this week?” 

Keep the conversation going. It’s predicated on building value.

Mistake #2: One click, and DELETE

Too many people targeting on social (especially now LinkedIn and Facebook) are taking the approach of: “Where’s the quick win? Who can I solicit right away?”

It drives me nuts when people hit me up on LinkedIn with a templated script. They don’t know how much their first touch point just kills their credibility as I know they are just trying to sell me something. 

Guess what happens next? 

One click, and DELETE. 

Do you think your prospects are any different? 

The question these folks should be really be asking themselves is: “How can I add value to someone’s life before money ever exchanges hands?”

Think personalized, relevant value assets

Value assets build trust and rapport. They are the stepping stones to building strong relationships with your ideal prospects. 

When you build assets, you lead with value

Leading with value results in a more consistent and predictable lead flow of the right ideal prospects …

They also serve to disqualify those who are NOT your ideal client. 

It takes as much effort to sell something for $100 as much as $500 or even $5000. Think of how much an easier “sell” it will be if you’ve already created value for them, and trust and rapport has already been established ...  

Mistake #3: Who Are You Really? 

There is no doubt about it. People are going to check you out to answer this big question in their mind: 

“Is this person legitimate?” 

They’re going to check out your website. They’re going to search for you on Google. They are going to try and find out all the information that they can on you. 

When they do find you, they will start looking for anything inconsistent (it’s just human nature)

What we’re ALL looking for is TRUST when we are looking to buy something. 

Like it or not, people are constantly making decisions every time they’re watching a video or they go to a page on your website. They are looking for answers to these questions: 

“Is this person for real?” 

“Can they really help me?”

“Can this product or service really solve my problem?” 

“Is this the company for me?” 

“Are we aligned?” 

It’s incumbent upon each of us as Entrepreneurs to make that decision very easy for them. 


 Mistake #4: A video is worth a thousand words

I remember reading a statistic that was put out by YouTube a number of years ago. From a study, it was shown that over 70% of CEOs would rather watch a ten-minute video on YouTube then read a long email. 

Even if CEOs aren’t your ideal client, how many others do you think this statistic also applies to? 

A couple times when I was speaking on stage, I’d ask, “How many of you would rather watch a 5 to 10-minute video then sit there and read a long email?”

Almost everyone in the crowd raised their hand. 

Most of the clients who end up moving forward with us, have watched at least five or more videos on our website or on YouTube that I’ve put out over the years. 

By the way, did you know that YouTube is the number two search engine? When I want information, I go to YouTube before I go to Amazon or Google or Facebook because I want to hear what real people have to say. So does your target audience. 

Videos can also elicit a more emotional reaction from people. Even if no one remembers the entirety of your “story”, they will certainly not forget how they felt about it.

In fact, video is so powerful, that Facebook and Instagram changed their entire algorithm to support video over posts. Why? One of the things they found was that the average person scrolls over 300 feet a day. 


The next thing they discovered was that the more videos that are shown to people, the more it slows down their scrolling behavior, as people click on videos (therefore they stop scrolling). 

A recent HubSpot study (including 3,000 respondents) reported than more than half of the people surveyed indicated they wanted to see more video content from the brands they support. 

Bottom Line: Videos get more attention, so why not start using them?  

Online selling is no different than offline selling. The exact same principles hold true, and it all begins with the first touch point.  

If you always keep these in mind, you’ll do just fine …

  • Don’t be afraid to have a real conversation with someone to start building a relationship. It’s still ALL about relationship building 
  • Always serve others from the standpoint of adding value. Everything else will take care of itself
  • If you’ve done a solid job on your end establishing  congruent messaging and positioning, you’re 90% there before you even get on a first call with them. If you haven’t, you’ve now created doubt in their mind. And doubt leads to lack of trust
  • Start using video! If you don’t have any videos to support your messaging and positioning, there’s no better time than the present. 

If you struggle with online sales and are looking for a Done-For-You solution to attracting a constant stream of the right prospects into your funnel, our Leads on Demand program might be right up your alley. Simply message and we’ll get you more info.    

To your success, 


Active Campaign Certified

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

How To Hire Good Criminal Defense Lawyers

The best way of going about it is hiring a lawyer who is experienced in the specific area of your interest. The organization consists of an eminent team of lawyers, advocates. The clients associated with this firm are expanded massively all across the globe. Lawyers are Overpaid - Often lawyers are actually far underpaid for their services

As a result, many jurors hang their heads as they deliver verdicts of “not guilty,” not because they truly believe that the defendant is innocent, but because guilt has not been proven beyond a reasonable doubt. If that is the case, then the property will likely be community property. A person needs a very good and affordable lawyer to give guidance through this difficult and painful experience. The premise of a criminal murder trial is that if someone has committed murder, justice should be served, in the form of jail time and/or the death penalty. By contrast, in civil cases, the standard of proof is more flexible, based on a “preponderance of the evidence,” which boils down to a decent likelihood or more than a 50% chance of guilt

With these keep in mind working in large national firms that are more likely to take on 'class action' or 'big target' cases typically have more upside than smaller local firms. It was established as a voluntary organization by the students at Masaryk University, in the year 1995. These experts are well versed in how to deal with the paper work as well as the legal formalities associated in the entire process. A person must also find out the period of time required to get a divorce. Ideally, a lawyer must have at least 10 years of experience in the field of family law

There are a lot of different kinds of NRI legal services provided, and few of these firms usually specialize in one or two of these services. This causes him to lose business and in turn revenue. The true crusaders of the endless litigation battle do most of their work in the quiet of their offices

In their most primary and fundamental role, real estate lawyers is the connection between investors in the form of construction companies and consumers as the businesses that uses them. But you need the right guide to find the best jobs that will suit you. The fees an attorney will charge you are important to your bottom line. To prove that you have a case, your personal injury lawyer must prove first that the defendant caused the accident and that he caused it because of his neglect. The term "real estate" refers to the land and equipment together and it is totally different form the term real property because the term real property refers to the ownership of land, including anything of a permanent nature such as trees, minerals, benefits, and inherent rights certainly

In cases like this, it is critical to retain a competent personal injury lawyer. But many hope that New York's adoption of the test may push other big states in that direction. Furthermore knowing how previous similar cases have been settled will help them find loopholes in these ruling to use to the client's benefit. Most common cases requiring these specialized Lawyers or Attorneys involve injuries, automobile accidents, defective products, medical malpractice or mistakes, slip-and-fall accidents, and much more

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