Friday, April 28, 2023

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Monday, April 24, 2023

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Thursday, April 20, 2023

Algorithmic Attribution Uncovered: Maximizing ROI Through Advanced Analytics

Algorithmic Attribution, or AA, is one of the most effective strategies that marketers use to improve and evaluate the effectiveness of each of their channels for marketing. AA lets marketers maximize their ROI by making smarter investments with every dollar they invest.

Not all businesses are eligible for algorithmic attribution, regardless of the many benefits. Not every organization has access to the Google Analytics 360/Premium, which is a premium account that allows the algorithmic attribute.

The benefits of Algorithmic Attribution

Algorithmic attribute (or Attribute Evaluation Optimization or AAE) is an effective, data-driven method for evaluating and optimizing marketing channels. It helps marketers pinpoint which channels are most effective at driving conversions efficiently, while simultaneously optimizing their spending across channels.

Algorithmic Attribution Models can be developed by Machine Learning (ML) and improved and updated continuously to increase accuracy. Models can be adjusted to evolving marketing strategies and product offerings, all the while learning from new sources of data.

Marketers using algorithmic attribution have seen greater rates of conversion and greater returns from their advertising budgets. Marketers can benefit from real-time information by quickly adapting to changing market trends and keeping up with the evolving strategies of competitors.

Algorithmic Attribution aids marketers in determining the types of content that are most effective in generating conversions. They can then focus their campaigns that yield the highest revenue, while cutting down on others.

The Negatives Of Algorithmic Attribution

Algorithmic Attribution (AA) is the modern approach to attributing marketing efforts. It employs advanced machines and statistical techniques to quantify objectively marketing elements that influence the customer path to conversion.

Marketers can better gauge the effect of their marketing campaigns and identify conversion catalysts with high yields by using this information, and also planning budgets more effectively and prioritizing channels.

But, the algorithmic process is complicated and requires accessing large data sets from many sources, causing many organizations to struggle implementing this type of analysis.

The most common reason is due to a company not having enough data, or lacking the tools required to effectively mine the data.

Solution A modern cloud-based data warehouse is the primary source for all data related to marketing. By offering a comprehensive perspective of the customer and their touchpoints that provide faster insights that are more pertinent, as well as more precise results in attribution.

The Advantages of Last-Click Attribution

It is no surprise that last-click attribution is fast become one of the most favored methods of attributing. The model credits every conversion back to the keyword or ad that was last used. It is easy to set up for marketers and doesn't require the use of the data.

The attribution model does not provide an accurate picture of the journey a consumer takes. This model does not consider marketing efforts prior to conversions as a barrier that could cost you in terms lost conversions.

There are now more robust models of attribution that can give you a a more complete understanding of the customer's journey. They also allow you to determine more precisely which marketing channels and touchpoints are converting customers more effectively. These models cover linear attribution, time decay, and data-driven.

The drawbacks of Last Click Attribution

Last-click attribution technology has become one of the most commonly used methods of attribution utilized by marketing teams. It is an ideal choice for marketers looking for a quick way to identify which channels contribute most directly to conversions. However, its use must be considered with care prior to implementation.

Last click attribution technology permits marketers to credit only the point at which customers have completed their engagement prior to conversion, possibly producing biased and inaccurate performance indicators.

The first approach to attribution for clicks rewards customers for their initial marketing interaction prior to conversion.

At a low scale, this approach can be helpful but it could be deceiving when trying to improve campaigns and show worth to the people who are involved.

This method does not consider the conversions caused by more than one marketing touchpoint This means it's ineffective to provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of your branding campaign.

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Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Obstacles rooting your future?

Oftentimes, failure to attain our goals and realize our full potential is a direct result of our limiting belief system.  

We all have them. Our beliefs are deep seeded (basically anchored) in our subconscious mind. 

For example, have you ever caught yourself making a statement like, “I’m not good at time management” or “I’m terrible with numbers so I won’t understand financials”? 

These are examples of limiting beliefs that people  construct in their mind that they then think to be true. 

They then become beliefs that falsely define you, and keep you from making good choices. They limit you from taking advantage of opportunities. They keep you “stuck” and unable to move forward.  They remain in your subconscious as “truths”, therefore your conscious mind believes them to be true and acts accordingly. 

Ultimately, limiting beliefs keep us trapped in a negative state of mind and therefore become the root obstacles that deter us from living the life we truly desire.

What causes our limiting beliefs? 

Interestingly enough, it starts fairly early for all of us. As children, around the age of 2, the number of connections (synapses) between brain cells doubles. Synapses are where learning occurs, so during this time period (usually this critical stage lasts until about the age of 7), children learn much faster and absorb more. In addition to learning, belief systems are constructed. 

 Growing up, your parents probably had morals and values they tried to instill in you. It could be things such as what career path you should take, what you deserve, how to treat others, etc. From that you end up forming your own limiting beliefs based on what you learned, and what you were told. 

Later in life, we have other people who influence our belief system.  From childhood well into adulthood, the people we surround ourselves with definitely affect our belief system (whether they are authority figures, friends, family, spouses and people we respect). Each have a profound impact on what you accept as “truth”.  

Which is why I firmly believe that the people we surround ourselves with the most have the biggest influence on our behavior, attitudes, beliefs, and results

Motivational speaker Jim Rohn said it best: 

      “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”

So be careful who you choose to spend your time with!

One of the biggest secrets to my success has to do with ongoing mentorship from those I admire. I always have 5 mentors that I learn from at one given time. Some I might have direct contact with, some I might not. 

For those I don’t have contact with, I can still learn from them. I can read books they’ve written, listen to podcasts they broadcast, or watch videos they’ve created.

The key is to keep learning from others who are doing, or have done what it is you are looking to do. Mentorship provides an invaluable learning experience (at any age). 

Experiences play a big role in shaping our beliefs too. When we experience something (negative or positive) we draw conclusions afterward. When we draw negative consultations from experiences, we create negative beliefs that can strongly shape limiting beliefs

For some of us, eliminating these limiting beliefs must start with letting go of the pain or trauma we have associated with it. 

Whether it’s forgiving ourselves for mistakes we’ve made, or forgiving others who have betrayed or hurt us, we must let the pain go. 

With that being said, I’ve found that pain can also be a great teacher.

It gives us the opportunity to achieve gratitude. The more we can focus on gratitude and appreciation (even from the most painful things that we’ve endured or encountered), the easier it becomes for us to learn how to move forward and do everything we can to make sure it doesn’t happen again (or how to do it differently next time).

In any case, we must re-program the story that is anchored in our past, so it doesn’t root our future…

Most of us set goals for our future. Where we want to be, what we want to have, what we want to accomplish. 

Sadly many people never reach goals they’ve set even with all the tools and resources at their disposal. 

Limiting beliefs directly affect the outcome of reaching goals, dreams, and aspirations.

Surprisingly, the failure of reaching a goal doesn’t have to do with the false belief that you can’t achieve it. 

Not exactly, anyway. 

It really begins with the belief of whether we feel we deserve it or not; whether we are worthy or not.

You must believe you are worthy of it and deserve it before you can even believe you can achieve it. 

Do you see the person who deserves what you want when you look at your reflection in the mirror? 

                   Am I worth what I want? 

                 Do I deserve what I want? 

If your answer is no, this is where you need to start reprogramming your beliefs, as if you don’t believe you are worth it or deserve it, you won’t achieve it.

The last HUGE obstacle keeping people from reaching their goals is failure to take massive action, and do what others aren’t willing to do.

Maybe they don't like what they hear, or they are so afraid of failure that they simply back off and give up. 

Did you know that the people who have experienced the most failures are also the most successful? 

My advice: Start showing up. 

Show up for yourself. 

Show up for what you’ve committed to. 

And stop striving for perfection. Because perfect is the enemy of done.

My last piece of advice to help you reach your goals supports your worthiness and the actions you take.  

To set goals, we need a vision. 

That vision is our inspiration. To stay motivated and get things done, we need to see a way to make it happen. The most important thing about setting goals is to set goals that are meaningful to you, and you can only accomplish what you can envision.

I love using vision boards to set goals. 

A vision board is a picture or collage that helps you make decisions and direct your actions toward your goal. 

Visualizing success in images or drawings creates a mental image of your goal and helps you identify what steps need to be taken to achieve it.

Another process I also recommend you start that I also teach many other Entrepreneurs is something I call E.V.A. It stands for: 

E - Envision

V - Visualize

A - Action

This process should be started after you conquer limiting beliefs that are holding you back. Only then can you take steps to move you closer to your goals and aspirations using this formula that took me over 30 years to refine and perfect.

If you'd like a free copy of the EVA process, simply message me and I can send it to you!

To your success, 


Business Nitrogen

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

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Essential AND Attainable for every Entrepreneur

Innovation is essential in any business…It’s a key component to differentiating yourself from your competition, and giving you a unique competitive advantage. 

Striving to be new, better and different allows your company to stay relevant and service your clients even better. 

Innovation also helps to distinguish between the leaders and the followers

It helps you achieve optimal market advantages and uncover new opportunities. 

Innovation also leads to change. 

Which in turn causes angst and resistance among many business stakeholders and/or team members. 

When I sense someone fears change, I simply reposition what innovation really means…

Continual improvement. 

When you think about it this way, it doesn’t seem so overwhelming, does it? 

What business owner doesn’t have at least one thing they’d like to improve in their business?

I don’t know one who doesn’t. 

No matter how big or small it is… Always remember that the smallest hinges can swing the biggest doors. 

The truth is, it really takes VERY LITTLE effort (on a consistent basis) to improve significantly over time. 

If you just improve one percent every day, over time that progress compounds (just like money earning interest). 

Here’s the only trick to this simple formula…

It’s only the ones who are committed to those small percentages each day that achieve the big results at the end. 

One of the best ways to ignite changes you’d like to see in your business is by collaborating with your team. 

Trust me, they know more about improvements that could and probably should be made in your business more than almost anyone else would. 

Keep in mind, your team is also pivotal in realistically achieving any kind of innovation in your business. 

These are the people who are going to make it happen. 

So RENEW your vision and rally your team! 

Share your vision and purpose with them. 

Convey the deep passion you feel for that purpose. 

Many don’t know this, but passion is a HUGE driving force that will inspire your team to make your vision and purpose a reality…To make those small strides toward continual improvement. 

Having a purpose is vital, however without knowing the direction you want to head, you could be driving that purpose in circles.  Because of this, it’s important to think of your company’s purpose as the compass, (always guiding your company in the right direction), and think of passion as the powerful and compelling force that gets you there.  

Those who become passionate about your shared purpose will contribute the most to your company’s success. 

Passionate team members take initiative and constantly strive to improve their performance and the company as a whole. 

These are the people who speak up and share their ideas and create new resources or ways of doing things.

When they feel they’re making a difference with their work, they become emotionally engaged in the outcome.

This is how they become a part of your mission.    

Acknowledge those that show their passion, give them opportunities to improve their knowledge, skills, and performance, capitalize on the fact that passionate team members often inspire their peers to step up their game too.

  You can’t create passion in a team member, but you sure can nurture it.

Next, is your company ready to handle changes and innovation? 

Many times companies will integrate new products, services, processes, or systems before ensuring they have the proper infrastructure set up to successfully support it on all levels. 

Here are 5 elements to consider:  

  1. Clear Intentions

Are goals and objectives clear to everyone involved? Have all steps been thought through and laid out? 

 2. Innovation Sphere

What is the desired result? Where do we want this to position us in the marketplace? What becomes our unique competitive advantage? 

3. Success Measurement

What will we measure to track success milestones? How will we know if we are on the right track? 

4. Infrastructure Strength Test

Are all the necessary processes, systems and people in place to successfully support the objectives and initiatives from start to finish? 

5. Culture and Talent

Is this aligned with our culture, and will it attract more of the “right” talent? 

I’d love to hear an improvement you’ve made that really made a remarkable difference in your company. No matter how big or small…a win is a win! I’m always curious to hear new and better ways of doing something. 

Simply comment below.  

To your success, 


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