Monday, May 22, 2023

Smartphone Video Creator Mini Course

Smartphone Video Creator offers a mini-course that teaches you how to shoot and edit great videos using only your smartphone. The course takes just a few hours to complete and is ideal for newbies, students, freelancers, business owners, and anyone who wants to improve their videography skills. The course includes access to seven sessions with about two hours of content, easy-to-follow modules packed with practical information and techniques, a private Facebook group, and links to important resources. You can also take advantage of a special offer to get the course at a discounted price of $27 for a limited time.

The Smartphone Video Creator course is a great way to improve your videography skills using just your smartphone. With Mike and Dan, professional cameramen and editors, as your trainers, you will learn valuable techniques and tips to take your videos from point-and-shoot to professional-looking in just a few hours. The course also comes with a private Facebook group where you can chat with like-minded people and get more resources. Get the special festive offer and study the course during your festive break to make your videos look more professional.

mobile videos


Peut-être que vous voulez en savoir plus, ou grandir d'une autre manière, ou acquérir une nouvelle compétence. Ou peut-être avez-vous un changement dans la dynamique familiale, ou trouvez-vous qu'il n'est plus rentable de faire ce que vous faites maintenant. Quelle qu'en soit la raison, un jour, vous réalisez soudainement que le travail que vous faites, le travail que vous avez fait, ne vous rend pas heureux ou ne vous facilite pas la vie.

Essayez d'économiser

Puisqu'il est un peu plus difficile de prédire ce que vous gagnerez ou combien d'argent vous aurez besoin de gagner, il est judicieux de mettre de l'argent de côté maintenant pour aider à surmonter la tempête financière. Votre salaire initial contribuera grandement à vous amortir pendant les premières années de votre nouvelle carrière.

Restez engagé

Prenez un engagement lorsque vous changez de carrière. Une fois que vous aurez décidé de changer de carrière, vous devrez rester fort mentalement. Gardez un plan en place qui vous soutiendra pendant que vous explorez ce qui existe.

Essayez de nouveaux rôles

À quoi ressemble le bénévolat dans votre contexte de carrière? Quels sont les rôles et les responsabilités que vous aurez dans ce rôle? Donner en retour soutient également les autres autour de vous. Cela s'applique à toutes les transitions de carrière. Lorsque vous démarrez une nouvelle carrière, vous rejoignez des personnes dans une activité et vous les soutenez. Pensez donc à certaines activités de redonner dans le nouveau rôle que vous souhaitez exercer. Vous pouvez le faire en vous connectant avec les personnes impliquées dans l'activité et en découvrant comment vous pouvez être utile.

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Saturday, May 20, 2023

Hidden Costs of Lost or Stolen Workforce Devices and the Benefits of Tracking Systems

In the bustling world of warehousing and retail, mobile computing devices play a critical role in inventory management, logistics, sales, and overall operational efficiency. From handheld scanners and tablets to laptops and mobile phones, these devices have become essential tools in the modern business landscape. However, they are often susceptible to loss or theft, an issue that bears significant costs for companies.

The Cost of Lost or Stolen Devices

The cost of lost or stolen devices is not merely limited to the financial value of the device itself. It goes beyond that to include several hidden costs that can compound over time. The first of these hidden costs is downtime. When a device is lost or stolen, the resulting disruption in operations can cause significant productivity losses. Workers may need to manually record data or perform tasks, significantly slowing down processes and leading to errors.

Next, there's the cost of data loss. Many workforce devices store valuable business data, some of which may not be backed up. The loss of this data can lead to missed sales opportunities, mismanaged inventories, and the potential loss of sensitive or proprietary information.

Moreover, there's a cost associated with the risk of data breaches. In the wrong hands, these devices can provide access to confidential business, employee, or customer data, leading to potential legal liabilities and damage to a company's reputation.

The cumulative financial impact of these hidden costs is often many times the cost of the device itself, reinforcing the need for businesses to implement effective measures to prevent and manage device loss or theft.

Advantages of Device Tracking

One such measure that has proven particularly beneficial in the warehousing and retail sectors is the implementation of device tracker or finder systems. These systems use technology such as GPS, Bluetooth, or Wi-Fi to locate lost or stolen devices, offering several advantages to businesses.

The most obvious benefit is the ability to quickly locate and recover lost or stolen devices. This can significantly reduce downtime and the associated productivity losses, as well as minimize the risk of data loss or breaches.

Moreover, many device tracker systems come with features that allow remote locking or wiping of data. In the event of theft, these features can be used to secure sensitive data, reducing the risk of data breaches and potential legal liabilities.

Furthermore, these tracking systems can generate usage and location data that provide insights into how devices are being used. This data can help businesses identify patterns, streamline operations, and even deter theft by holding employees accountable for device use and handling.

In the context of the warehousing and retail sectors, with their high reliance on mobile computing devices, the benefits of device tracking systems can be even more pronounced. In these sectors, the smooth functioning of operations is heavily dependent on these devices. A reliable tracking system can ensure these essential tools are always available when needed, enhancing productivity, data security, and overall operational efficiency.


In conclusion, the cost of lost or stolen workforce devices in the warehousing and retail sectors is significant and multi-faceted, extending beyond the mere replacement cost of the device. Implementing a device tracker or finder system can help mitigate these costs, offering numerous advantages including quicker recovery, enhanced data security, and valuable usage insights. As businesses continue to navigate the challenges of the modern commercial landscape, embracing such technology becomes not just an option, but a necessity.

Zebra device finder

The Profit Machine

The Profit Machine Review

In this review we will be discussion a new done for you affiliate marketing program launched by Jonathan Montoya and Thomas Garetz. We will review how the system works and what the program costs.

Do you want to grow your business with the help of affiliate marketing?

The Profit Machine System by Jonathan Montoya and Thomas Garrett is all you need. This cutting-edge digital marketing system is made to make it easy for you to get traffic and hot leads. With the Profit Machine System, you can get access to their lessons on how they get leads to their offers and to their Facebook Group for just $1. This lets you easily build your list and start getting leads and making money. With the Profit Machine System, you can use partner marketing to make more sales and grow your business.

How does the old way of affiliate marketing work?

In the past, if you wanted to do affiliate marketing, you had to have an offer and then bring people to your site. 

For physical products, you could sign up as a partner on sites like Amazon and Walmart. For digital products, you could sign up as an affiliate on sites like Clickbank, Digistore, etc.

Once you have your offer, you need to get people to your offer in a natural way. You can do this by making video content, which could be short or long, or by making content on Facebook and Instagram.

The other choice is to set up ads and put them on sites like Google, Bing, Facebook, and so on.

What is A Done-For-You Affiliate System?

A done-for-you affiliate marketing system is just what it sounds like.

It is already done. You don't need your own product, and you don't need to make videos or write articles, unless you want to sell their product or other goods that you are promoting naturally or with paid ads.

The Profit Machine shows you how to buy traffic from influencers and solo ads by simply pasting your link into a website and paying the vendor to share it with their list.

You can make organic content and drive traffic to your site that way, but with this system, all you have to do is share your link and pay the vendor their fee for sharing your link with their list.

For $1, you can join their Facebook group and start building your list.

Do you want to get some of the best tips on digital marketing? Profit Machine System, a Facebook group run by Jonathan Montoya and Thomas Garretz, is the only place you need to look. This group is full of people who want to help you make money online and are happy to share what they know. By joining the group, you'll be able to use everything that Jonathan and Thomas have to offer.

Since the group started, members have already gotten leads and made sales as a result. You can get access to Jonathan and Thomas' in the group for only $37 per month, or $147 for a lifetime pass. 

They not only give you useful information, but also a group of people who are happy to help you. Thanks to the power of Profit Machine System and as we have been taught, for every thousand people you add to your list, it should bring in $1000 over time. This is not saying, that this will happen but these are stats that successful digital marketers have indicated that they make from their list. 

Don't wait any longer; join Profit Machine System now!

After the $1, how much does it cost?

Jonathan Montoya and Thomas Garretz, who are both experts in digital marketing, made this "done-for-you" method to teach people how to get traffic and "hot leads" that can quickly be turned into paying customers. 

With the $1, you can try out the method for 7 days.

The system has two types of subscriptions: a monthly payment of $37 or a one-time payment of $147 for entry for life. 

Users will learn where to find the best places to contact influencers and vendors who will distribute the links to their list.

The Profit Machine System is great for anyone who wants to make money with affiliate marketing but doesn't know how to get traffic.

In addition to the front-end offer, they have an upsell where you can buy training classes, a funnel that you can import into, and email swipes. With this choice, you can add to your own list.

After signing up, you'll have to buy clicks from an influencer or vendor. There is a wide range of prices, but you should stick to your budget.

As with anything, you should try it out before you totally commit, and you should know that even though the vendor can get you the clicks you bought, the person who clicked still has to buy.


Jonathan Montoya and Thomas Garetz made the Profit Machine System, which is a great way to use affiliate marketing to grow your business.

Using this method, you can get you traffic, build your email list quickly, and turn leads into sales that make you money.

Also, you can join the Facebook group for just $1 per month, or a one-time fee of $147, and get access to Jonathan and Thomas's helpful tips and a friendly community for life.

Don't wait any longer. Check out the Profit Machine System and start making more money through partner marketing today!

Thursday, May 11, 2023

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